
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

You Know It Is Bad When....

-the leaves on your Crape Myrtle begin to curl -
-the temperature AFTER the sun has set is 101-
-people start baking cookies in their cars-

Yup, we are in the midst of a record breaking summer here in north Texas and we are surviving it one local splash pad visit at a time...

I really enjoyed reading this post by Ann of On Sutton Place .  It reminds me of how quickly the desire to whine about heat and drought dissipates when we count our blessings!

These, my friends, are but a few of the simple pleasures carefully noted by an ever thankful heart this week...
  • little wet kisses upon my lips
  • awe inspiring sunsets
  • frequent hugs from strong manly arms
  • summer sounds of cicadas and whirring fans that lull me to sleep
  • jars of freshly squeezed lemonade
  • the promise of fall 
  • "I love thalking to you mommy!" exclaimed by a mouth missing two front teeth
  • the sufficiency of His grace
What "good things" are you thankful for today?


  1. I's been pretty hot here in VA, but I should definitely take the time to count my blessings! Great post!

  2. Oh my! You are getting hot temperatures alright!!! We have cooled down to the 80's and life is SO good. I feel for you.
    It is important to find things to be thankful for, I am thankful for air-conditioning on hot days! Then I can still bake!
    Hugs, Cindy

  3. Oh gosh I'm crying again...thanks for the mention. I believe we are all truly grateful for God's blessings but a reminder now and then doesn't hurt. Lovely words and from your heart. Can't get much better than that.

  4. We are having some hot days, too. I am really grateful for AC. And have chosen not to whine. :-)


  5. So very much to be thankful for...air conditioning, homemade pizza for dinner, and baseball games on tv top my list at the moment. : )

  6. Love the cookie idea, made me chuckle. Even here in Michigan where we don't usually have extended periods of heat we have been in the 90's for more than a couple of week.

  7. Thanks for helping to remind me to think about the countless blessings from God's hand. "A joyful heart is good medicine..."

  8. Love of family, hugs from DGS, working on projects with DH, reading my siblings blogs - can see what they are doing as well as reading about stuff. Talking to my 92 year old dad every day on the phone...

    and ... really appreciate your comments on my posts.

    - Joy

  9. You know, I always start by day with prayers of thanks that include the fact that I'm alive and in my right mind.

    I'm extremely thankful for the outpouring of love and concern for my brother. It leaves me feeling like the world is a smaller, more intimate place.

  10. I'm thankful for the beautiful sunrise and the promise of a new day. Thanks for the reminder, and stopping by and entering our give away.
    Best of luck!

  11. We have had the opposite weather this summer...dreary and cooler! So we don't feel like we have even had summer yet but you know what? Its just as easy to whine and complain in the cold as it is in the heat. LOL! This is a good reminder to me that no matter the weather, I have soooooo much to be grateful fact...I can hear 2 of those blessing right now calling to me! :-)

  12. Here in Australia it is winter, so quite the opposite to your heat. Thankful for a nice warm fire!

  13. Gotta say, if there is something I am not missing, it is the Texas heat! Miss you bunches though. We've had a few very hot days, but over all the temp. camps out around the 80's over here. The blessings in my life? So many. Mentioned a few in this post:

    Love you sis!

  14. What a wonderful reminder to look for the blessings...Thanks for this message from your heart.

  15. The cookies baking in the car made me laugh! Thanks for the reminder to count our blessings.

  16. It has definitely been BAD this year. As of today, we hit 31 days of triple digit weather and it looks like we might even break the record from 1980 of 42 days. Thanks for the reminder to count our blessings in life. My days have been eventful lately so this post of yours was just what I needed. Thanks for sharing!

  17. What a precious little boy. His momma must take time to listen to him. Such a nice list of gratitudes.


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