
Friday, July 15, 2011

My Life Unscripted

 Moments I Want to Remain Etched in My Mind Forever

Because we all dream of flying.....
This morning I found him standing perfectly still in the blazing Texas heat, arms outstretched, waiting...

Then suddenly "I know why I am not flying Mommy. It's because it is summer and there is no wind. Come Fall Momma I will fly!"


  1. So precious! I can just hear him saying that in his hoarse little voice, with his eyes open wide. =) Give him a big fat hug and a kiss from Tia Stacy. Love you guys and miss you bunches.

  2. Make sure you keep a journal of these memories-although your blog is just as good. I have forgotten so many precious things my sons have said...but still smile when I think of their youth!
    Thanks so much for sharing that smile!

  3. Bless him. What a thoughtful, considering, imagination filled little soul.

  4. So sweet! I so hope I can remember all of the great things my kids say as time goes on.

  5. That's an example of being in the right place at the right time....Wonderful!

  6. Oh, to have that type of faith! This is how dreams come true. Faith and patience, ...lessons from a child.We can all learn so much if we just listen.

  7. Come fall I'll fly. What a wonderful phrase to take with me. Love it. He's adorable.

  8. Oh my word! That is SO adorable!!! Give him a hug for me and I hope he can fly one day, for real!
    Hugs, Cindy

  9. You were sooooo lucky to be there for that one!!

  10. Now that is what life is all about :)

  11. If you pop over to my blog today, you will see that I made mention of you today and how much I love your sweet blog!
    Hugs, Cindy

  12. Awww, what an absolute precious post. Thank you so much for sharing. Just the sweetest.

    Hugs and Kisses,

  13. What a sweet post! He's growing so fast! :o)

    Love the cape!


  14. What a magical thing for him to say, so sweet! I love the innocence of childhood!


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