
Monday, May 23, 2011

Of Dreamers and Dreams

We have a little dreamer living among us.  His favorite book for the past few weeks?

He carries it with him wherever he goes and has asked me to read it to him over and over again.  Just last week, as he was flipping through it for the millionth time, two large drops of water fell from the kitchen sink onto one of the pages.  He immediately burst into tears because he was sure the water would permanently damage his beloved book.  After I assured him that the water would dry up and everything would be o.k. he ran off, much consoled, with the book safely tucked under his arm. 
 He spends hours playing/dreaming with a ball his brother made him out of a wad of paper (wrapped with tape) and a plastic rim taped above his playroom door.  He not only tears up the court (a.k.a. hallway) he also gives a play by play broadcast with such enthusiasm! If you listen carefully to the video below you just might hear a crowd of imaginary fans cheering him on.... 


Sunday, May 15, 2011

Top Ten Reasons to Paint Your Walls White

Are you afraid to go out on a limb and paint a room (or two or three) in your house white?  I was hesitant at first but decided to take the plunge after realizing that almost all the rooms I had saved on my computer as favorites had white walls!  Here are the top ten that inspired me.

Here is our family room, the first room I ever painted white.  I am in love!

Hmmm.... I wonder which room I should paint white next.

*images from BHG, Country Living,  House Beautiful and The Lettered Cottage

Monday, May 2, 2011

Consider The Many Ways of Love

I was thinking just the other day about the myriad of ways we show those around us that we love them.  As a stay at home mom who also home schools I spend most of my time around my children. I tell them things like "I love you from here to the moon and back!" and "You will always be the love of my life" a bazillion times a day while gazing into their eyes. I also hug and kiss them a lot. For me it is as natural as breathing to love on them this way. (Zach had just woken up from a nap and had the grumpies in this pic :o)

The Mister on the other hand is not so touchy, feely. He demonstrates his love in other ways, primarily by giving the boys one on one time where they enjoy his undivided attention.  Even when exhausted, after a full days work, he will take the time to play all kinds of sports with them.  He takes them on long bike rides and sometimes even joins their games of 'hide and seek' and 'It'.

Just a few weeks ago he brought home a huge piece of cardboard and fashioned out of it a puppet show theater so the boys would have something to keep them busy on those endless Saturday afternoons.

As the boys went off excitedly to make puppets and write out scripts,  I could not help but smile at the many ways of love.